NFCBC SEO Plugin Add-on is an administration tool for Nofollow Case by Case and NFCBC SEO Light. Perhaps it helps to make blog spam management a little bit easier. I think so… 😉
Either manage your comments by e-mail moderation or use one click nofollow filters like this:
Recently I found a nice plugin called Delink Comment Author. As per information from Alex King
This plugin gives you the ability to remove the link a commenter left as their URL without removing the entire comment. A link to do this is added to your new comment e-mail notifications and to the comments list in your admin area.
Great! Isn`t it? I tested Delink Comment Author but received no e-mails like that. Perhaps Spam Karma replaces those mails so that this function does not work for me. Now it works. And the admin features are working pretty good, too! 😉
So I rebuild the plugin to make it work for Nofollow Case by Case and NFCBC SEO Light, too.
To make it work like mentioned above you need one of my NFCBC plugins, Delink Comment Author ( and the NFCBC Plugin Add-on itself.
– Download your favorite Nofollow Plugin and comment administration tools.
– Upload uncompressed files to your server
– Activate the plugins in WordPress.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It is released under the GPL license (
You can download NFCBC SEO Plugin – Add-on here.
To make it work for you you additionally need either Nofollow Case by Case or NFCBC SEO Light.
NFCBC SEO Plugin Add-on is completely free of charge for business and personal use. Do you think it`s worth a link? Share it on your blog and send a link. Do you think it`s helpful enough to vote for it? Visit and vote for the NFCBC SEO Plugin Add-on. Thanks!