NFCBC SEO Light – The light version of Nofollow Case by Case

Today I proudly present the light version of Nofollow Case by Case. Additionally I will present a tool later to make comment spam management a bit easier for all. This tool will be compatible with both versions of Nofollow Case by Case. An update for the elder version will take some time. But some people did not like to wait for it… So I suddenly had an idea:


– Spam comments passing our spam filters are normally very short. They seldom have a value and shouldn`t get a link at all. Do we really have to honor every comment with a link? Why should we pay for it?

– Some comments are a little bit longer. They might have some kind of value but not enough value to pay for it. Nofollow should be enough for these.

– Great comments normally explain something. They definitely might have a value proposition and normally should be honored with a good link.

– Pings and trackbacks do not have to be discussed. In most cases they are extremely relevant and often have high value. If they are not worth a link they should be deleted in most cases.

There might be some exceptions. Let`s keep them in sight.

If you are operating a private blog you might have no problem with follow links for all. If you`re responsible for a business blog this could become very expensive these days! So – how can wie handle comments fair for all but without additional work? Actually we shouldn`t waste too much time with comment moderation. Neither with black and white lists nor with manual corrections. May be NFCBC SEO light could do the job for you:


What does NFCBC SEO light do for you?

It helps you managing comment spam in your WordPress Blog.

How does it work?

You can decide if the author of a comment should get a link, get no link or nofollow links only.

What`s the difference between Nofollow Case by Case and NFCBC SEO light?

NFCBC SEO light does not replace the standard link management system of WordPress. It just hooks into the get_comment_author_link function in order to check what to do with the link. It doesn`t replace nofollow links in comments, just for the author of the comment. You can even delink an author without deleting his link from the database completely.

No more functions? What`s new?

Standard WordPress systems do not give any value to comment links. You might want to change that in case of very good comments or perhaps for your friends, to help them increase their Google Rankings a little bit. Replacing nofollow links with good links does not automatically mean that you want to honor every single comment in your blog. What about spam, very short comments (without any value), shop links, payed links and so on…

For you it officially doesn`t matter if you link with nofollow or not. You`re loosing Google PageRank with nofollow as well as with normal links. In case of nofollow you just kill a little bit of Google PageRank on your website, without nofollow you might give the lost piece to somebody else. But if you place good links to spammers you might loose trust additionally. So be a little bit careful what you`re voting for!

NFCBC SEO light may do the job for you a little bit easier:

  • Spam comments are typically very short. This type of comment has no value. So it doesn`t get any link from you (automatically).
  • What about normal comments? Would you like to use nofollow for them? With NFCBC you can!
  • What about pingbacks and trackbacks from other blogs? Thanks? Welcome? Get a backlink?
  • What about specials? Yes, you can change the game for every single comment author link…

How do the given rules look like?

To make comment management easier I put these rules in place:

  • No link for comments smaller than 50 characters.
  • Nofollow link for comments smaller than 170 characters.
  • Good links for larger comments, trackbacks and pingbacks.

You can change the rules within the plugin code or make exceptions like this:

  • Add /dontfollow at the end of a comment author link to get a nofollow link where needed.
  • Add /nolink at the end of a link to remove the link.
  • Add /thisfollow at the end of a link to make an exception and trust this link.

I think you will not have to play with links too much.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It is released under the GPL license (

Give it a try, if you like.
Download NFCBC SEO light

Supported WordPress Versions?
NFCBC SEO light 1.0 (BETA) should work with all available versions of WordPress.

How to install NFCBC SEO light?
Download the zip file, unpack the zip file, upload and activate the plugin.
It will work automatically. Options can be changed within the plugin itself.

6 Kommentare zu “NFCBC SEO Light – The light version of Nofollow Case by Case”

  1. Karl-Heinz Wenzlaff

    Danke, F. Oliver! Das sieht gut aus, werde es gleich checken.
    Folgende Frage am Rande: Was passiert mit /dontfollow im Body eines Postings?
    (Habe das auf einigen Blogs genutzt, weil es bequemer war, als einzeln rel=“nofollow“ zu setzen. )

  2.   fob

    Hallo Karl-Heinz, ich muss mal kurz ein Wieselbaby retten, dass sich über Nacht in meinem Garten verirrt hat. Soviel vorab:

    Wenn Du alle Links in Kommentartexten (Texte, nicht Autoren) auf nofollow setzen möchtest, kannst Du die /dontfollows aus dem „Comments Content“ gezielt mit dem Plugin „Search & Replace“ entfernen. (Suchen und ersetzen „/dontfollow“ „“). Die normale WordPress-Routine arbeitet dann wie gehabt mit Nofollow-Links weiter.

    Für eine B-Lösung muss ich später noch mal gucken… erst mal das erschöpfte Wiesel-Baby… 😉

  3. NFCBC SEO Plugin - Add-on | fob marketing

    […] SEO Plugin Add-on is a little administration tool for Nofollow Case by Case and NFCBC SEO Light. Perhaps it helps to make blog spam management a little bit easier. I think so… Delete […]

  4.   fob

    Im Test sieht es zur Zeit wie folgt aus:

    Erweitert man das Plugin am Ende wie folgt:

    add_filter(‚get_comment_author_link‘, ’nfcbc_make_follow‘, 98);
    add_filter(‚comment_text‘, ’nfcbc_make_follow‘, 99);

    werden alle neuen Funktionen auch im Kommentarbereich interpretiert ( /dontfollow – /thisfollow – /nolink ).

    Nicht manipulierte Links (im Kommentartext) erhalten allerdings (anders als bei Nofollow Case by Case) automatisch einen Nofollow-Link (WordPress-Standard).

  5. […] NFCBC SEO Light – von Oliver Bockelmann Ein witziges Plugin, um fleißige Kommentatoren und Trackbacker mit Follow-Links zu belohnen. … […]

  6. uncleboob

    Ich finde das plugin sehr gut weil es das Konzept verfolgt: Mach du etwas für mich und ich kann dir mit einem Backlink helfen.


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